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Has anyone noticed that when you price out a system one day the price could
verywell be different another day? I have been priceing out a high-end
Dimension XPS for about a month now and the price swings are phenomenal. As
much as $400.00 for identical systems. Now they are giving away a printer
and camera (free) and this has added over $400.00 dollars to the cost. Mind
you these are identical systems! Is there some deception? Anyone know of a
comparable computer that I might look into?
T.F. Meggison
Rochester, New York USA
Has anyone noticed that when you price out a system one day the price could
verywell be different another day? I have been priceing out a high-end
Dimension XPS for about a month now and the price swings are phenomenal. As
much as $400.00 for identical systems. Now they are giving away a printer
and camera (free) and this has added over $400.00 dollars to the cost. Mind
you these are identical systems! Is there some deception? Anyone know of a
comparable computer that I might look into?
T.F. Meggison
Rochester, New York USA