Prime95 28.5 Damage i7 4770?


Feb 15, 2015
So Ive been running Prime 95 for a few hours on blended, the highest my temps got were 67C . Later I did some research and found that this version (28.5 avx) can damage your CPU due to the voltage. I had everything on stock so adaptive voltage was enabled. I did notice an error message later on that said "unable to detect some of the hyperthreaded logical cores. Im not sure if this would be an effect of this or anything. Could my CPU be damaged from running this? How does voltage damage a chip?
voltage causes damage most commonly by causing excessive temps.

67C is fine, you were misinformed. on adaptive voltage all versions of prime can overvolt and although damage is unlikely till 1.35v-1.4v

28 has iffily coded avx instructions causing it to genereate an extra 20C on haswell series chips. but at 67 you were fine. my i54690k hit 93 on stock v28.... it holds its heavy OC at 73 on earlier versions.

Just sayin. On adaptive settings it does cause overvolting. It spikes a whole 0.1v if i run prime on adaptive, intel burn test is 0.17 and IXTU stays stable at bios set voltage.

Yes. Prime95 didn't go into his BIOS and play around with vcore settings lol!

The error was when I started the test, but it didnt do it the next time after I restarted, It was when I was researching this error that i found out about prime95 v28.5.