Prime95 error-rounding was 0.5 expected less than 0.4


Sep 1, 2012
hey I've been trying to achieve stability with my computer for awhile now, it usually passes with intel burn test for 20 runs with the maximum setting but only lasts 2-4 hours in prime. now my temps for my CPU never go above 55c, iv disabled turbo boost and locked my CPU at 3.5GHz.My ram is running on the xmp1 profile, and i set the ram vlotage to 1.65. my cpu vcore is 1.70. any help would be greatly appreciated :)

but doesn't 1.75 vcore seem unreasonable for 3.5GHz? and i use the xmp1 profile because it also automatically sets my timing which i don't really know how to do :heink:

and still you have not told us 3.5Ghz on what system...

sorry i meant 1.375


i5 2500k with a z68 motherboard

vcore is 1.375 and online everyone says 1.65 is max safe voltage
also even at stock it its not stable, after i upgraded to uefi bios it was stable for a few days then adter i change some basic stuff i starts failing prime 95...

ok i will ill let you know what happened tommorow

ok, so i ran prime 95 last night (about 9 hours) with ram at 1333Mhz at 1.5 volts and cpu at 3.3GHz with turbo boost disabled and vcore at 1.375. two cores past but the other two were off with no error code. then i bumped up the vcore to 1.380 and ran it for the day while i was at school (about 8 hours) and three cores past and the last one had the rounding error. so tonight i guess ill try with 1.385... i guess my chip wont be a good overclocker if it needs this much voltage stock 🙁

because two of them weren't running when i enabled them all

you mean put vcore and ram voltage to stock? itll fail then, i tried it before. and btw i probably should of mentioned this before but i took my computer into a shop to make sure nothing was defective and they said everything was in good shape