

Jan 7, 2009
Hey all.

i recently bought and built a new PC.

its a 790i
q6600 G0 @2.4
gtx 260 black
4Gb DDR3 1066

i was planning on OCing it to about 3.00

but once i had i tried running Prime but it froze after 5 mins.

so i reset everything back to stock and tried again and it froze.

ive updated the mobo, Graphics card and the bios.

anyone have any ideas why this could be happening?

also its not over heating because when it does freeze the max temp is usually about 50C

First thing I'd do is check the BIOS and make sure any auto settings are being set sanely.

Then I'd run memtest, if it fails, loosen then timings, if still fail see if any settings do work.

If it passes then I'd try one stick of RAM and prime again.

Could be RAM, chipset or PSU, so any do anything you can with any spares to check these.
settings on auto motly ad they look fine.

Memtest i left on and it completed 12 test and passed all of them.

unluckily i have no spares... i guess i wont be OCing xD

since it doesn't/hasn't froze while on games.

thanks anyways
okay... Prime seems to be running fine on 'Blend' but if i use 'Large FFT' it freezes >.>

what's the difference with them both?

does one test the CPU n the other test everything?

and do they test the CPU the same?

also i have cheap 1066 ddr3 memory and the timings are 7 7 7 20 @ 1.5v.

if i was to OC would you recommend tightening them up?

Blend test stresses CPU + NB + Memory. SmallFTT stresses mostly the CPU, because data is all stored and used from cache. Large FTT is a combination of both. If you are failing SmallFTT, increase the cpu voltage, I would start with your VID. Use Core Temp 0.99.3 to find your VID.
would Memtest86, i think its called, show that the memory is not failing?

because ive ran that till it stopped and there was no fails. i dont want to mess around with he memory voltage because im quite new to this xD

set your memory to the highest recommended spec from the maker. it'll be fine running it at those voltages. link us to your ram and we can help.
okay, try going closer to 1.8v and make sure the timings are loosen according to corsair's standard just to not have other variables to deal with atm.

question: why did you go with a 790i? it cost so much and have DDR3 as standard. imo, you would have been better of with a P45/43, and DDR2 800mhz.
790i because its only £210
and ddr3 for 4GB 1333 is about 120 which isn't bad.

also ddr3 is only going to get cheaper and its a pretty good board from many reviews i have read.

and by loosen you mean like 9 9 9 23?

also how do you know 1.8 will be alright?
also on the page abotu my memory it says its tested till 1600mhz if i changed that would it increase the speed of my PC much?

Tested together at 1600MHz, Vdimm =
1.80V, at latency settings of 9-9-9-24

copied form the page above

that is your memory right? under the specification tab, it is rated to run at 1.8v at 9-9-9-24 with no problem so it should be 100% safe. the reason why i suggested you up ur mem voltage, is large FFTs stresses the ram and i think they could be undervolted, especially if you're going to OC. try 1.8v and see how it goes.
okay i followed this video.

i disabled those 4 things at the bottom.

upped the q6600 to 3.00 and left the memory at 1066.7

i changed the voltage to 1.325

and upped the mem voltage up but only by 0.025 for now
but left the timings.

im sure i read somewhere that your meant to set the PCIe to 100 but in his video its left on auto(you can see at 1:06)
i know im posting alot but ive just noticed when looking at Coretemp it displays my current frequency. and it switches from 3mhz to 2mhz because the multiplier changes

is this suppose to happen?

ive OC to 3 now and did stress for 2 hours just to check if its usable for now.

but im pretty sure its slowed down the rest of my PC is this possible?

ive also increased the voltage to the memory by 0.75