So, I was poking around at some low-end cards, and considered an RX 5500 XT 8GB I saw for $139 on Amazon, but the distorted image, and possibly questionable seller, made me think maybe something sketchy was going on.
But, and, apparently they're still in stock, I came across this, and bought it.
ASRock Phantom Gaming Radeon RX 5600 6GB GDDR6 PCI Express 4.0 Video Card RX5600 PHANTOM GAMING D3 6G OC - for $109.99 at Newegg. It's a 3-fan unit.
There was also a 2-fan Phantom Gaming variant as well, for $99.99, but that went out of stock quickly.
It is NOT a 5600 XT, and it does NOT have 2304 Stream Processors, despite what the Newegg product page says, but 2048 instead. Aside from that, the page always says 5600 rather than 5600 XT.
It does have the 14Gbps memory (336GB/s bandwidth), though, which I found a little surprising. Further, GPU-Z identifies it as an "RX 5600 OEM"
It came in a rather sturdy, if plain brown, box, fitted for the foam cushioning and to hold the card appropriately, etc. Almost like a retail box, really, except lacking any colors or graphics.
I haven't done anything with it except to run FurMark at the 1080p preset, where it came up with a score of 6442/107 fps, if that really means anything, and topped out at 125-126W of power draw, which I guess is about what the RX 5500 does. Fan curve is too abrupt and too aggressive I think. I'll have to work on that.
And it's got the overkill even for the 5600 XT, nevermind the non-XT, Phantom Gaming cooler. Almost the entirety of the 3rd fan, and the heatsink fins beneath it, are completely off the PCB.
It definitely would be amazing bang for the buck were it an XT, of course, especially considering what the RX 5500, RX 6400/6500, GTX 1650, GTX 1660/Ti/Super etc go for new, even today, but even in this slightly gimped form, I get the impression that it's still great bang for the buck, and might possibly be better in terms of fps/watt than the XT version.
It's a bit weird, but I think I kind of like it. Sort of the big brother to the RX 5300 OEM I picked up a little while back.
@JarredWaltonGPU - have you by any chance run into these or gotten to play around with one?
EDIT: fixed link
But, and, apparently they're still in stock, I came across this, and bought it.
ASRock Phantom Gaming Radeon RX 5600 6GB GDDR6 PCI Express 4.0 Video Card RX5600 PHANTOM GAMING D3 6G OC - for $109.99 at Newegg. It's a 3-fan unit.
There was also a 2-fan Phantom Gaming variant as well, for $99.99, but that went out of stock quickly.
It is NOT a 5600 XT, and it does NOT have 2304 Stream Processors, despite what the Newegg product page says, but 2048 instead. Aside from that, the page always says 5600 rather than 5600 XT.
It does have the 14Gbps memory (336GB/s bandwidth), though, which I found a little surprising. Further, GPU-Z identifies it as an "RX 5600 OEM"
It came in a rather sturdy, if plain brown, box, fitted for the foam cushioning and to hold the card appropriately, etc. Almost like a retail box, really, except lacking any colors or graphics.
I haven't done anything with it except to run FurMark at the 1080p preset, where it came up with a score of 6442/107 fps, if that really means anything, and topped out at 125-126W of power draw, which I guess is about what the RX 5500 does. Fan curve is too abrupt and too aggressive I think. I'll have to work on that.
And it's got the overkill even for the 5600 XT, nevermind the non-XT, Phantom Gaming cooler. Almost the entirety of the 3rd fan, and the heatsink fins beneath it, are completely off the PCB.
It definitely would be amazing bang for the buck were it an XT, of course, especially considering what the RX 5500, RX 6400/6500, GTX 1650, GTX 1660/Ti/Super etc go for new, even today, but even in this slightly gimped form, I get the impression that it's still great bang for the buck, and might possibly be better in terms of fps/watt than the XT version.
It's a bit weird, but I think I kind of like it. Sort of the big brother to the RX 5300 OEM I picked up a little while back.
@JarredWaltonGPU - have you by any chance run into these or gotten to play around with one?
EDIT: fixed link
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