Problem in accessing ubuntu files frm windows7


Oct 12, 2011
I installed UBUNTU in my system as an application software in windows and it is bootable .. and now a grub problem occurred for ubuntu and it is asking the partition of ubuntu but i'm unable to found it... can any one help me so that i can find the partition of ubuntu (or) recovering the grub problem (or) accessing the files from ubuntu file system..... tnx in advance ....
A few pieces of info that would be helpful:

What was the install setup like? Multiple disks, or multiple partitions on the same disk?

What exactly is reporting this error that asks for the Ubuntu partition? Grub itself, some repair tool you're using, other?

In any case, I think booting a LiveCD and posting the results of a fdisk scan (open a terminal, type in sudo fdisk -l, post the return) could help us see what your setup is to provide reasonable next-steps-to-take