Problem installing Belkin f5d7050


Mar 20, 2013
I've got windows 7 home premium just formatted. I cannot install this wireless adapter. I've read and tried almost everything.
Please help me.
Using the correct driver during the installation it didn't recognise the adaptator when requested
As already stated, there are four different versions of that wireless adapter on the Belkin wegsite. Find out which version you have and get the correct driver. Then use another computer to download it and put the driver onto a USB flash drive. Then you should be able to install from there to get it on your computer. If you are sure you have the correct driver and it's installing correctly but still doesn't work you may need to return the adaptor and get a new one.
I have a F5D7050 V2 (Windows 8.1 pro). I faced the same problem. Heres how I fixed it.
1. Download the official drivers. These drivers are incompatible even though the setup runs just fine.
2. The key here is to not install the drivers.(Uninstall if you ran the setup).
3. Right click on the executable you downloaded off Belkin's website and choose Troubleshoot compatibility. Then it runs some test. Let it do its thing. Later on choose the manual option and select. It used to work on older versions but doesn't now or something of that sort. Then select windows 7. Don't bother running the test later on. Just click next and finish.
4. Now run the setup and restart. Everything will work fine :)

Hope I helped!