Problem installing msi r9 270x on my intel DP55WB. computer beeps and want turn on the display.


Jul 23, 2012
Hello everyone...
I bought a new video card msi r9 270x and install it on my old motherboard intel DP55WB, but when i try to turn on the computer its beeps twice and wont torn on the display.
please help!!
According to Intel for that board, 2 beeps is: Video error (no add-in graphics card installed)
I presume you've tried the obvious; reseating the card. Do you have both 6 pin headers plugged in on the card? What is your PSU make/model?
Yes, both of them are plugged in, and I've tried to put back the old one(hd4870) also with two 6 pin headers and it works perfectly...
Threre ia an update:
There is a BIOS switching on the card that i didnt notice before and when i moved it and try to turn on the computer its stop beeping and continued to the win8 load screen (black screen with windows logo) but then the screen becomes
black (but still working) and stays like this!
do you still think that it is a problem with the card?
my gues is that there is a compatibility problem with the board although all the forums says that the card and the board are fully compatible.

Oh, the BIOS switch. I'm forgetting newer cards are starting to come with those. That will switch from UEFI BIOS to legacy BIOS. That was probably the issue. Did the card's manual state anything regarding that switch?

The card is used so there wasn't any manual ...