Problem installing newer BIOS

Tom Hell

Apr 27, 2017
I have a Gigabyte AB350M-Gaming-3 Motherboard with the F2 BIOS version. I wish to download F4 but when I download the files from the Gigabyte website and try to run the .exe, All I get is a message saying : " This app can't run on your PC. to find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher ".
Is this because I am downloading a version not compatible with Windows 10 x64 ?
If that's the case then how do I get the right version ?

I have tried to contact Gigabyte's technical support but they aren't responding...

( My main reason to get the newer BIOS is that I want my RAM to run at 2933mHz (3000mHz) )

You perform bios updates using a USB stick and a batch file.

If you downloaded this file "mb_bios_ga-ab350m-gaming3_f4" and unzip it you get three files. AB350MG3.f4 (the bios file) autoexec and etiflash. all of those go on a bootable USB sitck
You perform bios updates using a USB stick and a batch file.

If you downloaded this file "mb_bios_ga-ab350m-gaming3_f4" and unzip it you get three files. AB350MG3.f4 (the bios file) autoexec and etiflash. all of those go on a bootable USB sitck

Oh, ok. I was confused because I thought it installed like the drivers update for my GPU, etc.. Thank you