Problem is detected with Array : 1


Jan 18, 2014
So my Grandad has asked me to format his pc for him but when I boot it up I get an error message which says:

Problem is detected with Array 1:
Critical Status
A disk member of an array has failed or is not responding.
Please refer to your promise user manual for further details.

Now I have never seen this error before in my life but a bit of googling tells me that this is something to do with a RAID setup, but again, I have no experience with RAID setups. The PC itself still boots into windows but I assume that this problem will become worse is nothing is done about it.

How can I resolve this, because he wants it formatted is it ok to just remove the raid setup and go back to a standard single hdd setup?


This sounds like there is a RAID 1 in existence, and at least one of the drives has died.
Could this be the case?

This could quite possibly be the case, but as I said before, I had only heard of RAID before this situation and even now I have only a very basic understanding of what it is. How can I check if this is the case, and if it is the case, is it possible to just remove the dead drive and use a standard setup with the remaining one?

Well, you have to do some investigation.

Is the BIOS set to do any RAID stuff? Sniff around in there. You'll find it.
How many physical drives are in this system? Open up the case and look.
Hi, sorry for the delay on getting back on this. So in the PC there are 2 drives but when I boot it they both show as separate drives (C and F) both are the same capacity. In the BIOS it mentions RAID in the Boot Device Properties which has the 3rd boot device set as [RAID : RAID Ary 1], in the Hard Disk Drives section it says the 1st drive is [RAID : RAID Ary 1] and the 2nd drive is [RAID : Single Disk 2], cabt find any other mention of RAID.

So after that I assume its RAID, can I just remove the faulty drive and and have the remaining drive boot as AHCI?