Problem when playing most games (Black screen, Radeon 6970)


Jun 26, 2014
I got a problem with my PC turning black screen on the monitor, and the sound keeps playing for a while, but then it starts stuttering infinitely too, after about 2 seconds (so, at the end- I just have to restart the whole PC) .
Please help me, I got 16 GB Ram, 6- core AMD CPU, the Radeon 6970 GPU in PCI slot.
I am running windows 7, with 2 TB HDD (about 20 GB Free space atm)
I tried to unscrew the Graphics card and clean it, but couldnt get very Far with it.
Any help appreciated!
Still an unknown brand. I'd highly recommend replacing it.

If you can't provide info as requested eg cpu temps, then we can't help you.

Download and run HWInfo - Sensors and post the results - usually 3 screenshots in TinyPic or similar.
Motherboard: GA-880GMA-USB3
CPU : AMD Phenom II x6 1090T 3.20 GHz
GPU : AMD Radeon HD 6970 (2 GB)
Monitor: SAMSUNG ( Not sure which model though) 1600x900
Windows 7, 64- bit Ultimate, SP1

I would try a different card/ PC, but I'm not sure if the problem IS with Radeon or overheating, that's my guess only- is there like, some way to monitor/ control it apart from CCC?
More than likely faulty driver , overheating of some sort.


well, that's the thing- if I use the other card, it might not even cope with the game(s) (I play AC IV:BF, and Marvel Heroes online).

However, I am not sure how to monitor CPU' s temperature, is there software for that?

PSU: ATX 850 W

bretmh, r you sure? you see, what I did try, was going to CCC, and in Performance section enabled manual fan control- put it to 75%, and (after hearing how it's about to fly as a plane), tried playing a game- it remained at about 50-60 degrees (under the same section, Performance). It still turns screen black. I mean, it could be lower, but it just turns the Screen off?!

If it is faulty driver, shall I just try re-installing AMD drivers, or something?
Still an unknown brand. I'd highly recommend replacing it.

If you can't provide info as requested eg cpu temps, then we can't help you.

Download and run HWInfo - Sensors and post the results - usually 3 screenshots in TinyPic or similar.