Problem with a program


Sep 8, 2016
What to do if I have windows 10in my computer but my program Rhino gold just runs in windows7? (works in windows 10 but then I have to upgrade Rhinogold, costs 3000€ :) ) Many thanks for an answer.
Assuming you have to use Rhino, and you only have a license for Windows 7, you could just multiboot. You'll need to buy a copy of Windows 7 to do it, but then you can use both Windows 10 and Windows 7 on the same machine and just boot in to Windows 7 when you need it. The cost of a new copy of windows will be much cheaper than the 3000€ for the Rhino license.

There are any number of how to's on the internet on how to set it up but most are assuming you're running Windows 7 and want to add Windows 10. If you already have Windows 10 installed, here is a quick and dirty how to prep for running both

Their website said only 8 and 10, and it seems that absolute amateurs made a hunk of junk. Ask for your money back and get a real CAD solution
Assuming you have to use Rhino, and you only have a license for Windows 7, you could just multiboot. You'll need to buy a copy of Windows 7 to do it, but then you can use both Windows 10 and Windows 7 on the same machine and just boot in to Windows 7 when you need it. The cost of a new copy of windows will be much cheaper than the 3000€ for the Rhino license.

There are any number of how to's on the internet on how to set it up but most are assuming you're running Windows 7 and want to add Windows 10. If you already have Windows 10 installed, here is a quick and dirty how to prep for running both