Problem with HDD size after formating


Feb 10, 2015
hey guys !i have a Seagate 1TB HDD, a couple days ago i formated my PC, and i noticed that when i installed windows and everything.. my Disk local disk showed that i have 488GB instead of 1TB , i have no idea where the other half went, is is this a common problem ? how can i fix it ?

In Disk Management, right click...

Can you show us a screen cap of your Disk Management window?
Extend drive space go to disk management options on windows 7 if you have it type it in if not on windows 8.1 go to bottom right hover go to options then search type disk management click create and format partitions then select drive then select Extend volume and take it from there hope this helps thanks man for reading this hopefully it helps :) have a good day!

You should be able to extend it into the space at the right.

Thank for the response thor, but im really a noob at this stuff and im still learning.. can you lead me into any video / pictures, hat show how can i do that ? i dont wanna screw it up !

USAF i wanna apologize for posting my problem on the other thread, im new to Tom's hardware.. and also i get the idea to extend them but how can i do it ? sorry if i sound new but im new at this ! Also can i combine them all in one disk C ?

In Disk Management, right click on the C partition.
What options does it show?

You'll probably have to Delete the other partition first.
Then Right click on the C partition, and you should see the option to Extend.

holy * that actually work USAF thank you so much !
Now it shows 930GB, which i guess is normal ? but those two other disk, they dont show any option when i right click on them, i cant not delete them as this pictures shows : , are they supposed to say like that ?

930GB is absolutely normal and expected for a "1TB" drive
Do NOT attempt to do anything with those other two partition. If you do, your system will not boot, At all. Leave them alone.