Problem with installing/uninstalling a program


Sep 1, 2011
Need help with this one. I have found no solution on forums or support forums on the internet so far... I have Windows 7 ultimate 64-bit version; I recently purchased a Gigabyte Assassin G-1 motherboard with a built in Killer E2100 network chip. I installed this motherboard with Windows Internet Explorer 9 already installed, BUT I did not realise that the E2100 network chip and the drivers were such a pain.
After first installation of the board and drivers, IE 9 would bring up a box saying that it encountered a problem and needed to close.... After some problem finding, I discovered that the drivers for the network chip do not work with Internet Explorer 9. I tried to update the driver on Killer's website, but that backfired with a error message telling me that the new driver could not be installed because the old drivers were still in use,something like that,a whole lot of stupid rubbish.
I uninstalled the Internet Explorer 9 update and went back to Internet Explorer 8 and everything was working perfectly. So know I knew that the Bigfoot Killer chip was the problem because thats when all the problems started. I purchased an add in PCI-Express network card and installed that and I disabled the onboard E2100 network chip in the Bios. I then thought problems sorted, and went ahead and updated to Internet Explorer 9 again. SAME problem as in the beginning.
I then tried to uninstall the program,utility and driver for the E2100. That did not work either. After receiving various error codes ( I forgot the first 2 codes,but I managed to sort out those errors ), I tried to uninstall the program but some files still remained and I ended up with the last code that I received which was "1628: installation failed.
I went into "programs and files" and deleted the files but it gave an error saying that files were still in use. I opened task manager and closed the files that were in use and then I successfully deleted them, but error code 1628 was still there. I searched the hard drive for any remaining files of the Bigfoot Killer Manager, but it cannot find anything else. I went to control panel, programs and features and noticed that Bigfoot Killer Network Manager was still in the list.... Confused :heink: The problem is so bad that it when I open the internet browser, it closes straight away with error as in the beginning. To post on this forum I reverted back to Internet explorer 8 and again everything is fine, BUT I can't remove that filthy stupid Bigfoot Killer Network problem and because of that, how do I get back to Internet Explorer 9? Please help. I know as much as I do so far by searching for solutions on forums,which din't help much. Please let me know if any other info is needed, because I don't think anything else is relevant?

Thanks for the reply. I already disabled the device in the BIOS. The new device is shown in device manager. The problem is I can't use IE9, because somehow, IE9 won't work with whatever files/drivers for the old device are on the computer,even though the computer tells me that there are no drivers or files for that device left behind....

Thanks for the reply. I did your first step before all the problems started and it did not work. The problems is that I can't even install the program that came with the network chip because I keep getting that error 1628 code... The program was installed when I got the board; then I tried to remove it and the drivers because it does not seem that they work with with IE 9.

Thanks for the reply.
The drivers for the network chip are not found on Gigabyte's web site; they are found on Killer's web site. There is no problem with the motherboard...

When I go to that page, I select the "Downloads" tab, "Download type" = Driver (default), and "Choose your OS" = Windows 7 64-bit. The 3rd one down is the LAN driver: BigFoot LAN driver.

You will also need the Audio (if using onboard audio), Chipset, and USB 3.0 drivers.

Thanks again for the reply. My mistake; didn't do it like that; I did the downloads but I still can't install it because of the error code 1628.