Question Problem with Intel AC 9260, bluetooth will not work


Oct 12, 2017
Hi, i've got a particular issue that i can't seem to fix, so i did a dual-boot install of mint linux, which i found out was a major mistake as bluetooth wasn't working when i started using it, following that i did some research and found linux sucks hugely for bt, so i uninstalled, went back to windows and tried out Fedora (as i heard it's got newer bt support)

Bluetooth completely bricked on my windows, so i reinstalled the entire OS clean, still bricked, no matter what drivers i use it will not work, it shows bluetooth on device manager but the advanced tab wont display any details, and bluetooth is disabled on windows,

Thought it was a software issue, but linux is completely wiped from the system, and so was windows, so must be hardware, any ideas on how to fix this? Cause i'm lost.

Wifi works perfectly btw.
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