Question Problem with internet, but it's my disks fault?


May 6, 2016
Hey everyone! My situation is a bit weird, let me explain:

About 6 months ago I started having issues with my internet/browsing. The pages would either open very slowly, or not open at all for a moment, saying "there is no internet", before loading on it's own, without me even refreshing. Everything else worked fine, the only issue was browsing.

I figured out that resetting my computer fixes this temporarily, but the issue would usually reappear after a day or so (I don't turn off my computer at all).

Then I realised that (what I thought was my) 20GB free disk space, was actually just 20MB. Oops. I cleared up some space and that completely RESOLVED this issue.

Few days ago, though, I ran an update for a game and it didn't care about my free disk space and I didn't know the size of it, so it stopped at 50% after it filled my disk completely. This made the issue REAPPEAR.

But now, even after clearning up enough disk space, it won't go away, and I have to restart my computer daily to browse normally.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this and what I can do to fix it?

Thanks in advance.


Apr 9, 2017
I had this issue about 10 years ago except it was an HDD so I don't have any advice how to fix this with an SSD other than to add another one or replace it with a bigger one. Or just clean up some unnecessary files.

I don't remember the exact details but it was so bad I even had my internet company send out a technician. I ended up replacing my HDD with a new one and it fixed all my problems. My current build has 2 1TB M.2's and I am already almost out of room on one of them.

If your setup has the compatibility, install 2 SSD's, one for the OS and another one for games, pics, music, etc.