Problem with motherboard I think.


Feb 29, 2008
Hey, I got a 9600gt about a month ago and I think it shorted out my pci-express slot. I'm able to get integrated graphics to work, but I can't get any signal from my video card to the monitor. When I turn it on the monitor goes directly to sleep mode. I'm pretty sure it's not the video card because I tested it in my friends pc and it worked fine, but when I tested his card and even my old one on my pc I still had the same problem. I also cleaned and changed my ram around like I've read could be a problem, but still no signal when I plug in either video card.

Before this happened, I would get unstable temps on my card of about 120 -140 degree C. I would immediately cut the system off and take the card out. I'd let it cool for a few hours and put it back in and everything would run fine. Is it possible that my video card shorted out my pci-express slot or could it be something else?

my system specs are:
Athlon x2 4400+
PCChips a15g mobo
PC Power & Cooling 610 Silencer
2gigs of kingston value memory
80 gb western digital hd
cheap case I've had for awhile

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Based on what you tried, it does sound like the PCI-E slot is faulty. Is that the only PCI-E slot on your MB? If so, looks like you will have to use the onboard video.


Feb 29, 2008
Yeah, that is the only PCI-E slot on my mobo. I just got back into town and got it hooked up tp my onboard video. Sucks, but I plan on getting a new motherboard and processor soon.