Problem with my PC not showing i have a 500 GB Drive in it

Ofir Bendel

Feb 27, 2015
I have a SSD from samsung (120GB) i installed my windows 7 on it for now (untill windows 10 comes out) and i have another 500GB drive in my pc.
My Board is an ASUS h97 - E and when i start my PC up and press F2 i check and it shows i have it installed.
The problem is when im in "My Computer" it shows i only have the SSD, any suggestions?

What windows icon? Do you mean the start button? It only gives me the option for properties and open windows explorer

I'm assuming you are using 8 or 8.1. Go to the bottom left of the screen, on the Start button (looks like a Windows icon so I called it that) and when you right click there should Task Manager, Command Prompt, Command Prompt (Admin) etc, and somewhere in that list should be disk management. Or just search for it on the start screen, or in the Start Menu if you're using 7


I said i have windows 7

Sorry, missed that in the original post.

^ Try that