Problem with new build BIOS


Jun 14, 2013
Hello. I have a little problem back over here. I just finished my first build and from what i've read the first time you turn your computer on the bios or post or whatever screen pops up. All i have here is just a black screen saying "reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key". Any suggestions? Where could be this problem? Any help highly appreciated.
on new builds if there a video card and the cpu/motherboard has video chipset you have to put the cable on the right port. on power up if the cable on the right port you see the mb splash logo...asus..gigbute..msi...then you have a few sec to hit a key to get into the bios. (del key..ecs key..f1) are the main ones. when you get into the bios the new efi bios the boot devices are on the bottom of the screen. just drag and drop the cd rom or usb to be the first boot device or change in under the boot tab. some newer motherboard have boot device select at power on (it be higher number f key) you see it if you can read the boot screen. if the mb splash screen not showing up try placing the video cable onto the mb video port if it has one.
nope..when a motherboard posts and you have a case speaker connected it will beep once for no errors...good the splash screen and give you a set time to hit a key to enter the bios. if you dont hit that key the bios then starts looking for boot devices.
If it asks for boot media then it definitely didn't find any issues. When it finds issues it'll beep the error code (if it has a motherboard speaker), and display error messages. It won't allow you to proceed until the problems are fixed.

Since this is a post-POST message (lol), it means it found no errors.