Hey guys so been trying to fine tune my wired NIC on my windows 10 desktop
when i open my Network Adapter settings
and lets say i wanted to change
IPv4 Checksum or
Large Send Offload V2 IPv4
ill change the setting, select OK to save it.The NIC turns off/disconnects from the internet for a quick sec and fires on again, But NONE of my settings that ive applies have saved?
it seems theres some i can change and will save such as
JUMBO FRAME settings, or Speed & Duplex Settings
but others that i want to tweak will not? am i missing something?

when i open my Network Adapter settings
and lets say i wanted to change
IPv4 Checksum or
Large Send Offload V2 IPv4
ill change the setting, select OK to save it.The NIC turns off/disconnects from the internet for a quick sec and fires on again, But NONE of my settings that ive applies have saved?
it seems theres some i can change and will save such as
JUMBO FRAME settings, or Speed & Duplex Settings
but others that i want to tweak will not? am i missing something?