Specs are as following:
Asrock 775 xFire raid.
Pentium 4, I dont know the exact model, I don't want to take of the cooler,but if its really necessary I'll do it.
Memory: PNY Tehnologies 1gb ddr2 667, one kingston stick.
PSU; Codegen 400w
GPU Gigabyte 7300gt (in bad condition, but i think that is not the prob here)
Toshiba 500gb hdd.
Please reply. Thank you
That's quite a Low end Computer....so the problem will be easy to find.

First of all..Check all power inputs on the Motherboard and make sure its perfectly connected and well seated.
Make sure Your Graphics card is connected to the First PCIe Slot and not the Secondary slot.(Double check If the Graphics card is well seated.)
Place your one RAM stick into a other RAM Slot(Double check if the RAM stick is well seated.)
If the Above suggestions still don't work or already tried it.
Then you are going to need to Disconnect your graphics card and connect your screen device(TV or monitor) to your integrated graphics(Onboard screen connect VGA.I'm not sure of your motherboard supports VGA but if it does connect your screen to the motherboard and then try too boot up.
If the PC still restarts and wont POST ill then say you are going to have to error test your Motherboard.....Beep code Test.This is just to see if your motherboard still functions.
Make sure you have your Buzz Speaker connected to the motherboard.
Take out your GPU and Your RAM disconnect your hardrives and any other connected devices except for(CPU,,,CPU Fan,,,and motherboard power connections,,,and remember to insert an bios speaker if you don't have one)
Disconnect your PW SW Power switch on the front panel connections and use a screwdriver to jump start the PC....If you hear beeping noises coming out of the speaker That's a good sign the motherboard ain't dead and functional...If you don't you need a new PSU