Problem with Ports not connecting and timing out


Dec 3, 2013
Hello, I recently started noticing that all my ports had timed out.
It first started when I was trying to play some multi-player games through steam. I only tried it with one game (Civ V), so I assumed it was the game's fault, not mine. However, I then tried other games (e.g. Garry's Mod & L4D2). Neither of them worked, either. I tried playing BF3 & BF4, they didn't work either.
I can play multiplayer fine on my other computer, it's sharing the same network & router. However, it doesn't work here.
I tried using this website "" and entering the most common ports and they timed out.
Is my ISP blocking certain ports or maybe there's something wrong with my router/connection?
Any feedback, solutions, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!