Problem with power supply ?


Mar 16, 2014
Ive been having some problems with my system for the past month or so. The reason I tagged so many components is because im not sure which is responsible but I think it could be the power supply. The first problem I started having was when I would put the system in sleep mode. I would come back and hit a key and the computer would start up but there would be no signal on the monitor. I would have to restart the machine and go through BIOS. Lately However I go to power on the machine and I would get no signal on the monitor but the tower would be running like normal. So I started my troubleshooting and first thought it was the hdmi cable which I switched out to no success.I moved the tower over to my TV's Hdmi and also "no signal". I then thought it was my new GTX 970 G1 Gaming video card which I switched out with my older gtx 660 and I got the same "no signal' from both the monitor and the TV hdmi. The next logical step would be the motherboard or the PSU. The PSU is an older Thermaltake and I dont know the wattage but I would guess around 600. The moherboard is a ASROCK 970 Extreme 4 AM3+. I have two 120GB ssds and 2 blu ray and an 1TB HDD also in the machine. The CPU is a AMD FX 6300 with an air cooler. The reason I dont know if it the power supply is because it powers on everything but I dont know if everything is getting the full amount of juice. Can a power supply be broken but still power components on ? If its not the PSU then the motherboard ? I tried different PCIE slots and that didnt work either. I was going to grab a modular PSU tomorrow but I dont want to spend the cash if its a different componnent. Please help! Thanks.

Faulty/Incompatible RAM can cause all different kinds of issues, my pc went on a...
I would possibly reset the BIOS, there should be a button, or pins you move a jumper on, give that a shot. if that fixes it awesome.

If not, try another PSU just make sure its a place you can return it if that doesn't fix it, I would imagine it would, get a good PSU not a cheap crappy one. 80+ is a must :) It rhymes so that's how you know its true.
Ok sorry it took me a while. I took out the old power supply its a Thermaltake TR2 600 W. So i was thinking the power supply would be the issue so I went and bought a Corsair CX750M today and installed it. I powered on the machine and.... "no signal" from two different monitors. Very frusterating. The only thing I can think it still could be is CPU, RAM or the motherboard. I want to say my next approach should be to try to switch out the RAM but does faulty RAM even cause this type of problem im having ? I really dont want to keep buying new parts and bringing them back but I dont know what else to do. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Faulty/Incompatible RAM can cause all different kinds of issues, my pc went on a boot loop when one of my sticks died.
Try taking out one of the sticks and see if it still does the no signal thing, then if it still does it, put the other stick in slot one on its own and try that.