Problem with windows 10 (How to Install ACPI Driver)


Aug 12, 2015
Hello, i need Help. I just upgraded my netbook model Asus Eee PC T101MT from windows 7 to windows 10 and after that an asus ACPI service keeps on telling me to INSTALL Asus ACPI Driver. I have tried to fix it but i can't so i Need Help. Thanks
Had same problem, solution here:

remove kb driver and install that 32 bit one from the newer eeepc
Re: Annoying ACPI message after updating Asus Eee PC Seashell to Windows 10.

Thanks! Finally solved for me too. Here's what worked (in Sept 2015):
1. Go to

2. At "Please select OS", choose "Window 8 32bit" (or as appropriate. I had Windows 7 and updated directly to Windows 10, but Win10 was not yet listed as an option. Installing the "Windows 8" option made the annoying error message finally disappear from my screen).

3. From the list that appears, click "Others (2)".

4. The second option listed was "Hotkey service" (V1.48). Click the blue "Global" disk icon to download the driver. (I did not uninstall the older version driver before installing the new driver and have had no issues.)

5. Follow the directions on your screen to complete the installation and then restart your computer.

Hope this helps!