Problems after Windows 7 Clean Install


May 23, 2016
Hey lovely nerds/geeks.

I had so much problems after upgrading my M17XR4 into Windows 10, until it crashed. Lost all my files, and recovering it was just as problematic.

Anyway, I clean installed my Windows 7 and updated all the drivers etc... but I'm having a few issues.

1) My 2nd HDD shows 476GB when it's a 1TB HDD. It's not visible in Disk Management, but it is in Intel Rapid Storage. Weird right???

1) I can't seem to update my BIOS at all. That seems to be affecting my fans too. They're not running at all! But, when I run my diagnostics, the fans run perfectly! Again, another weird problem!

Any idea how you can help me??? I need to cool off my system and start configuring my system to RAID 1! Please help!!! 🙁
The issue is that you did not remove the drive from RAID. Go into the RAID control, remove the RAID setup on it, after that you can format it and use it as a normal drive.

Hey friend.

In the old set-up, the 2nd HDD was configured as RAID 1. I also had a SSD for caching if that means anything. Now it's just HDD0 with 1TB and everything is on that. As for HDD1, it's not visible in anything but my BIOS & Intel Rapid Storage. Can't access it in Disk Management either.

In this picture (, you can see the pop-up I'd get. I just got an email from DELL saying that my battery has to be charged for the BIOS update. Since my battery is faulty, they will try to send me a revised BIOS update. So, the BIOS update thingy is solved (I think). Now it's just the HDD1 problem.

Please advise. 🙁

Hey man, thanks for your prompt response. You mean I should go into my BIOS and remove the RAID from HDD0 (only my first drive is set on RAID, the second one isn't)? Just to check, would that affect my data?

And if I've removed the RAID on both drives, would I be able to set it back to RAID 1 after that? I'm sorry if these questions seem silly man.... I'm not a very IT-savvy guy. My work has nothing to do with computers. Thanks again man.

When you change RAID setups, it will wipe the data. You need to backup the data, break the array, restore data. If you don't have the second disk that it was the pair of, you are in a bit of a pickle.

Well, thankfully, I have both the HDDs. I'll do as you advised tomorrow morning and keep this thread posted. Thanks again for your advise friend. I greatly appreciate it.

Hey friend. I'm so sorry for the delayed response. I didn't quite "back up" the way I was supposed to so I had to reinstall the system and get that sorted. Well, good news is, your method worked perfectly. I removed the RAID setting from HDD0 and set it back on to HDD0 and HDD1. I also managed to get my mSATA sorted for SSD caching too! So thank you very much for that friend!

As for my BIOS update, I gotta buy a battery for that. Otherwise, the system won't update. I've already ordered one online so, I'm just waiting for that now. Thanks again man! Peace.