Problems Running HDMI Audio to Soundbar


Jul 8, 2011
Hello, I recently built a PC and have a nice setup with a Samsung UN65KS8500F UHD TV and Klipsch RSB-11 soundbar and experiencing difficulties.

The audio works fine when utilizing the same HDMI cable as the video output from the GPU to the TVs ARC, however, I am unable to get sound when running a separate HDMI from the mobo directly to the soundbar. There are 3 Nvidia HDMI output (ports 1,2,3) listed in sound devices but the status is "not plugged in".

Is it even possible to run a separate HDMI for audio from the mobo to the soundbar? If so, what am I doing wrong?

Gigabyte Gaming 7 Z170

Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you so much for you input in advance!
I wanted to run an additional HDMI for I do not believe that I am experiencing the full capability of the sound from the motherboard. I am unable to activate 5.1/dolby digital and whenever I test the speakers within the Sound Blaster control panel there is no sound (when running directly to TV/ARC). I was under the impression that audio was being lost since it was repeated to the soundbar through the ARC.

I initially had the GPU HDMI connected to the Klipsch then changed it because I did not want to repeat the video signal and lose quality.

* None of the test sounds in sound blaster control panel work when running audio along side video (sound works in every other program). It's almost as if the sound blaster is not working?
Oh, you are trying to simultanously use GPU and motherboard HDMI. Then no you cant use your motherbaord HDMI to output audio.

And FYI you are not going to get much of anything out of 5.1 from a soundbar or tv speakers because they dont have 5 seperate speakers for each chanel, and they certainly cant envolope you. Its like worrying about acceleration and max speed of a sports car that you are you only going to drive on dirt roads.
Okay, the audio sounds good was just afraid that it wasn't being utilized to its full potential. Thank you for your help.

So then related.. Both XFI MB3 and Sound Blaster Pro Studio launch on startup and neither appear to be working properly: Sound Blaster XFI MB3 prompts that there is not a supported device connected and test sounds/Demo have no sound in the sound blaster control panel.

Do the sound blaster features even function if the output is through the GPU? Thinking that I may need to order an SPDIF out to run directly to the soundbar

Drivers were updated a second time; not sure what I'm missing here.