Problems: Viewing a PC on my TV....


Jun 21, 2013
1: I've connected my PC to my TV, via their HDMI sockets.

2: Then on my PC, at: Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Display\Screen Resolution

a: The top box: Shows 2 icons, one for each display, eg: [1] [2]

b: I've set their resolutions to those recommended, ie:

...PC Resolution: 1024 x 768
...TV Resolution: 1360 x 768

c: The drop-box: Multiple Display currently set to: Extend these displays

d: So I changed it to: Duplicate these displays

e: Then I clicked: Apply

f: The top box: Now shows just one combined icon, eg: [1|2] (meaning both displays)

g: Then I clicked: OK

Now: Both display are displaying the same information...
BUT: They're BOTH displaying at the higher resolution of: 1360 x 768
...which is fine for the TV, but not for the PC !

h: I can change the above, so that both resolutions are: 1024 x 768
...which is fine for the PC, but not so good for the TV,
because it results in a smaller PC image on the TV !

Q: So how can I get each display, to display at their own optimum-resolutions,
of: PC: 1024 x 768 / TV: 1360 x 768 ?

OS: Window 7 64bit Pro
Service Pack 1
Processor: Intel Core i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Ram: 16GB
Gigabyte mobo with built-in-Graphics (Intel® HD Graphics Control Panel)

Many thanks.
Unless you need to see both displays at the same time, use the Extended Mode and then just swap which display is the Primary.

-Wolf sends
I have a solution, but maybe you will not like it.
You can do such things with Windows 8.1 ^^

On Windows 7, IDK.... Try Display Fusion, its a good software for dual screen, maybe there is some options for that.

Windows 7 and windows 8 are both fully capable of doing this, its just that windows 8 has software built-in to automatically do it for you with the press of a button since a box with more then 3 options is way to complicated for the masses apparently.
@ OP:

Use the intel graphics control panel which has a few more options (this will be on your taskbar and/or in the control panel), from there you should be able to set the resolution for each display and set it to duplicate screens. Granted it should have worked from the normal windows control panel as well, but from the intel one should work for you.

Now are you certain the TV is 1360x768? Most TV's are either 1080p - 1920x1080 or 720p - 1280x720.