1: I've connected my PC to my TV, via their HDMI sockets.
2: Then on my PC, at: Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Display\Screen Resolution
a: The top box: Shows 2 icons, one for each display, eg: [1] [2]
b: I've set their resolutions to those recommended, ie:
...PC Resolution: 1024 x 768
...TV Resolution: 1360 x 768
c: The drop-box: Multiple Display
...is currently set to: Extend these displays
d: So I changed it to: Duplicate these displays
e: Then I clicked: Apply
f: The top box: Now shows just one combined icon, eg: [1|2] (meaning both displays)
g: Then I clicked: OK
Now: Both display are displaying the same information...
BUT: They're BOTH displaying at the higher resolution of: 1360 x 768
...which is fine for the TV, but not for the PC !
h: I can change the above, so that both resolutions are: 1024 x 768
...which is fine for the PC, but not so good for the TV,
because it results in a smaller PC image on the TV !
Q: So how can I get each display, to display at their own optimum-resolutions,
of: PC: 1024 x 768 / TV: 1360 x 768 ?
OS: Window 7 64bit Pro
Service Pack 1
Processor: Intel Core i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Ram: 16GB
Gigabyte mobo with built-in-Graphics (Intel® HD Graphics Control Panel)
Many thanks.
2: Then on my PC, at: Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Display\Screen Resolution
a: The top box: Shows 2 icons, one for each display, eg: [1] [2]
b: I've set their resolutions to those recommended, ie:
...PC Resolution: 1024 x 768
...TV Resolution: 1360 x 768
c: The drop-box: Multiple Display
...is currently set to: Extend these displays
d: So I changed it to: Duplicate these displays
e: Then I clicked: Apply
f: The top box: Now shows just one combined icon, eg: [1|2] (meaning both displays)
g: Then I clicked: OK
Now: Both display are displaying the same information...
BUT: They're BOTH displaying at the higher resolution of: 1360 x 768
...which is fine for the TV, but not for the PC !
h: I can change the above, so that both resolutions are: 1024 x 768
...which is fine for the PC, but not so good for the TV,
because it results in a smaller PC image on the TV !
Q: So how can I get each display, to display at their own optimum-resolutions,
of: PC: 1024 x 768 / TV: 1360 x 768 ?
OS: Window 7 64bit Pro
Service Pack 1
Processor: Intel Core i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Ram: 16GB
Gigabyte mobo with built-in-Graphics (Intel® HD Graphics Control Panel)
Many thanks.