Problems with a LG hdd hxd2 320gb


Nov 17, 2009
I was wondering if there was anyone who could help me. I have an LG hdd hxd2 320gb and when i plug it into my laptop it makes a soft sound like it is trying to read but it makes that sound then a beep, it dose this a few times then stops and will not read. it dose not read on my computer nor on another computer. i dont know what it could be it is almost full and i dont want to loose everything that is on it. i have a lot of personally important stuff on it. please if there is any one that can help please do. thank you.

it dose have a detachable cable but the cable has dual USB plug that go into the computer. I will try that but just in case. any other ideas? thanks.
I had this problem with one of my laptops. It worked OK with the other. What I realized was probably insuffiient power coming from the laptop. That's why you have two USB plugs, one for additional power only.

solutions which come to my mind:
1. use another computer ;-)
2. plug both USB plugs to two separate USB sockets (if you have more than 2 use most distant ones
3. use powered USB hub (one with separate power source)

Hope this helps
