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Problems with a XFX RX 580 GTS XXX 8GB


Aug 20, 2015
Hello, I purchased a XFX RX 580 GTS XXX Edition 8GB this week and I have some thermal and stutter problems with it. I was wondering if other people have the same problems with this card or mine is faulty and I should replace it or get another model.

First, the thermals. The GPU is getting very hot, in about 15-20 minutes of gaming with fan and temperature limits on auto it can get 85C+. I decided to go with 85 limit on temp and 2400rpm on fans but it still hits that limit and sometimes underclocks itself to keep under 85. I compared temperatures with a friend that has the Sapphire Nitro+ and he gets about 5 degrees colder and lower rpms. I also searched for others temp on my card model and they say they got max 77-80 degrees under full load. I also have to mention that my case is pretty big and ventilated.

Second, the stutter. In games like Fortnite, PUBG, Guild Wars 2 (only games tested so far that ran like this) I get massive stutters, every half a second in Fortnite and GW2 and every 1-2 seconds in PUBG. The graphical settings don't affect this, either on low or ultra the frames are the same and sometimes it runs better on ultra than on low. Again I compared with my friend and he gets 70fps on Ultra in PUBG, I get pretty much the same frames but the GPU util keeps going to 0% and stutters very bad, and temps are still higher even if I have higher fan rpm. On more graphical intensive games like Destiny 2 and Shadow of War I get more stable FPS on high to ultra settings.

Drivers that I used and got the same results: 18.5.1, 18.8.2 and 18.9.1

My specs:
Ryzen 3 1200 @3.7GHz
8GB Ram @2400MHz
1TB 7200RPM HardDrive
Corsair NEW VS550, 550W

Thanks in advance.
your stuttering may be because of the relatively slow ram, are you running a single stick? if so I'd recommend either getting a dual channel(2sticks) of 16gb ram at a min of 3000mhz. Ryzen runs a lot better with faster ram and in dual channel due to the way its internal architecture is set up. that is most definitely a cause of bad performance in Ryzen systems
1) Download GPU-Z and and check for the ASIC quality of the chip, just to make sure if you've not gotten really really bad chip (Chips bad as these might not even get binned but, just check it).

2) If its heating like crazy (85'C is crazy), there's nothing you can do about it since it's a new card. Just get it RMA'ed. It could be a bad cooler or improper cooling paste application problem, you would void warranty if you try to correct it.
Have the same exact problems my screen has really bad tearing in games like PUBG, Fortnite, and Assassin's Creed. And my card runs around 77 degrees. Let me know if you had to return it.

The more FPS you get, the less tearing you get. If your card is a RX 580 too, you shouldn't be getting much FPS over 60 at the highest settings in PUBG and Fortnite as they aren't very well optimized. Depending on the Assassin's Creed game (I assume it's Odissey or at least Unity) you should be getting even less than 60FPS so the tearing should be even higher.

Get a Freesync monitor to get rid of tearing and stuttering because of variable framerate. Stuttering because of temperature issues have to be solved reducing the temperature or your performance will keep being worse than the GPU capabilities as well as you are killing it.
your stuttering may be because of the relatively slow ram, are you running a single stick? if so I'd recommend either getting a dual channel(2sticks) of 16gb ram at a min of 3000mhz. Ryzen runs a lot better with faster ram and in dual channel due to the way its internal architecture is set up. that is most definitely a cause of bad performance in Ryzen systems