Problems with booting an SSD


Dec 16, 2015
So I have a 180gb SSD from Intel, and I've been running Win 10 on it for a few months. Recently, after I updated Nvidia driver for my new monitor, disc stopped booting. I thought it was broken, because my motherboard wouldn't detect it, but it seems that when it's plugged under a different operating system on the same PC, bios suddenly starts detecting it. I succeeded in booting it, and updated win 10, which I thought was the problem. Today though, bios wouldn't detect the drive again. I ran disc check to find errors, but there was none. Now, I have no idea what the issue is, or how am I supposed to find it. I can see no pattern in wich the disc stops or starts working.
Hey there again, Sample_Text7!

If you've successfully updated the drivers and MOBO's firmware, I don't think the issue is there.
This turning on, shutting down and turning on again of your computer makes me suspect the power supply as the source of the issue. I'd power down the system and make sure every connection to the PSU is properly seated.
I'd also recommend you to take the PC to a computer repair service nearby and let the guys there test your whole system. If it's a faulty PSU, you'd need to replace it ASAP or you risk losing more hardware components.

Best of luck. Hope this was helpful.
Welcome to the TH community, Sample_Text7!

I'd recommend you to use your SSD utility to check if you've got the latest firmware update. ( )
If you wish to check up on the SSD's health and SMART data, you should use a specific diagnostic tool. Chkdsk doesn't work with solid-state drives, unfortunately. Here's a thread that can give you some good third-party testing tool suggestions:
I'd also suggest you to updating the SATA controller drivers for your motherboard from the manufacturer's website. While on it, I'd also check your BIOS version and make sure you have the latest one as well.

Hope this helps. Keep me posted with the troubleshooting! :)
Thank for your reply.
So, I have updated SSD's firmware, ran health check and updated SATA drivers. Disc itself seems to be fine and working, when I unplug and plug it after every shutdown. What looks to be the problem is that PC turns on, presently shuts down and turns on again. This might be a motherboard problem (GIGABYTE GA-Z97X), but I am no expert. Would you exclude SSD as the source of the issue?

Since all my HDD's work, and PC doesnt reboot when I boot it from HDD with Win 7, I find it difficult to incriminate other suspects. I will format SSD and preform a clean install
Hey there again, Sample_Text7!

If you've successfully updated the drivers and MOBO's firmware, I don't think the issue is there.
This turning on, shutting down and turning on again of your computer makes me suspect the power supply as the source of the issue. I'd power down the system and make sure every connection to the PSU is properly seated.
I'd also recommend you to take the PC to a computer repair service nearby and let the guys there test your whole system. If it's a faulty PSU, you'd need to replace it ASAP or you risk losing more hardware components.

Best of luck. Hope this was helpful.