I gave my eMachine e627 laptop to my sister-in-law because she hated her iPad. She was home visiting in NY when I gave it to her. Soon after going home to NC, she began having issues with it, i.e. freezing, being unusable, high CPU usage. Of course, this is no doubt because of the Windows 10 "upgrade" I did about a year ago. I think the processor is inadequate to run it coupled to Windows 10's incessant need to update. In any event, I have the machine again and it's calling for the latest Windows 10 version in order to update the latest security fixes. When I try to upgrade to the latest Windows 10, it runs for 2 days only to tell me it can't do it. This morning it took 3 hours to go from 97% to 99%. I had to go to work so I don't know what's happening with it now. I would love to be able to get rid of Win 10 and return to 7 but I have no discs. What can i do?