So I built my first pc last week coming from a Gtx 760 i5 4430 to a now Gtx 1070, i5 7600k, ASUS Strix Z270E gaming MOBO and am having some serious CPU usage problems at the moment. The first two nights this beast felt amazing, crisp and clean on every game, then two nights ago I randomly noticed some lag in Player unknown BG and my CPU usage was like 95-99% and was all from my the game causing my pc to lag. Rainbow 6 felt great at first but like listed above also started high CPU usage and was lagging me at times. Would really like some help, I'm desperate. I've done minimal searches since last night but found two resdit posts with the same specs and no fix as of today. I'm at work until 6pm and will most likely on be answering around lunch time EST. I'm really thinking about selling the CPU and going with an i7 7700k if I can't find a fix