Problems with MB and Discrete Sound Card


Feb 9, 2013
I installed a new build with my old discrete Sound Card. I disabled the on-board sound card from the bios. The problem is that sometimes the discrete Sound Card is working properly and sometimes windows doesn't recognize the sound card / driver at all. I tried using old driver and new driver of the sound card, but the problem remains. Any help to solve the problem would be appreciated.

my system:
OS: windows 7 64bit
Discrete Sound Card: ESI Juli@ (PCI),
MB: Asus Z170A
CPU: i7 6700k
With this board bios update is not risky at all. Flash in bios itself with the newest bios on an USB flash drive.

Intel inf drivers and management engine software

Use the update utility of Intel

I use driver version 1.21 from ESI.
I have installed chipset drivers from the cd that came with my motherboard - Intel chipset drivers are installed.
I did not touch the bios driver. From the cmd command "SYSTEMINFO" the driver is : American megatrends 0901 from date13.8.2015.
Install the up to date Intel chipset drivers. If you can't find them on try the Intel update utility

Update the bios, to version 1702:
Extract the file to an USB flash drive, reboot the PC, enter bios by pressing the key "del", then goto advanced mode, tools menu, ez flash utility. By USB, choose the bios file and wait
Wich intel drivers should I be looking for ? how can I check which versions of those intel drivers I have ?
As for Bios update, I am very careful not to update it if not a must, because I read that it is a risky thing that should be avoided.
I have updated bios driver to the latest (ver 1801).
I have installed Intel Driver Update Utility. It found I should only update USB 3, but it states that it does not include any customization that the manufacturer might have for optimization. I have asus latest usb driver already up to date. Should I stay with what I have or update from Intel Driver Utility ?

My sound driver works ok so far (1 hour).