Yesterday I started up the game H1Z1 but right at the start it crashed and with that my whole screen blurred out. I then restartet my pc to see what was going on, but I just couldn't get any video signal to post. It simply showed the message: Inappropriate mode recommended mode 1920x1080 60hz. I then started testing the monitor on another computer to see if it was still in tact, and it worked. I then tested the cable and it worked fine. So I then repositioned my graphics card into another slot and it magicaly worked fine. Except it didn't. After 20 minutes of playing a game that is not that graphic demanding it crashed again. And now both slots won't post a signal after the first windows logo thing. I then reinstalled windows but it didn't work (and I'm currently doing it again). I noticed some weird grapic bugs (e.g. 4 weird lines from the top to the bottom of the screen (vertical) or weird flashes). Thank you for your help..