[SOLVED] Problems with my GTX 1660 Super in gaming

Dec 16, 2019
Hello everyone,

So i build my first PC build recently on budget, everything seemed fine until i tried to play GTA 5 on it, I have an issue there when i optimize the game using Geforce experience the game runs at max 15 FPS only !!, and if i tune the settings manually lower the max i can get is around 40, where im really disappointed because i thought i could run the game with no issues with my build, as i watched some videos before getting it.
About my pc:
AMD ryzen 5 3600
16 GB DDR4 of ram 3200mhz
My motherboard isnt that good i guess its a Gigabyte B450 Gaming X, idk if it can be a problem
(if more info needed tell me please)
My Driver is up-to-date, and i can Run Rainbow 6 Siege 70 FPS pn max out settings, but as i said GTA i get 15 FPS on maxed out , i dont know what is the issue, if its my card or the game, i couldnt come to a solution in days and i dont know what to do or where to look, if someone can help i appreciate it

Thank you in advance
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What message is on the blue screen? If it's quick perhaps you can snap a pic and upload it. Also, a Windows 10 bootable USB stick (easy to make if you don't already have one) can be used to troubleshoot Windows 10 boot issues, depending on what the actual cause of the issue is.
Thank you for your reply
Did you install Geforce experience only or did you install other drivers?
I installed geforce experience, then i installed the driver using it,
Have you checked temperatures to see how hot your CPU and video card get while gaming?
I did not, the thing is its like that from when i start the game right away.

What power supply do you have?
I have a Gigabyte G750H
And about the Driver i installed for the chipset it says "Win10 ver.1903 supported. " (the latest one) while my win10 version is 1909, i dont know if that can be a problem
Oh damn now i got a notification that i need to reboot my system to take effect, and after rebooting i get blue screen with Inaccesable boot device, can someone please help me with fixing it 🙁 this issues follow everywhere
I have my windows installed on a xpg ssd 256 m.2 and yes it new as my whole build

I also want to mention that my b450 motherbord got BIOS updated from my seller so the ryzen 5 3600 can mount on it, so i want to avoid uninstalling this update which i hope i didnt already
What message is on the blue screen? If it's quick perhaps you can snap a pic and upload it. Also, a Windows 10 bootable USB stick (easy to make if you don't already have one) can be used to troubleshoot Windows 10 boot issues, depending on what the actual cause of the issue is.
Hello everyone,

So i build my first PC build recently on budget, everything seemed fine until i tried to play GTA 5 on it, I have an issue there when i optimize the game using Geforce experience the game runs at max 15 FPS only !!, and if i tune the settings manually lower the max i can get is around 40, where im really disappointed because i thought i could run the game with no issues with my build, as i watched some videos before getting it.
About my pc:
AMD ryzen 5 3600
16 GB DDR4 of ram 3200mhz
My motherboard isnt that good i guess its a Gigabyte B450 Gaming X, idk if it can be a problem
(if more info needed tell me please)
My Driver is up-to-date, and i can Run Rainbow 6 Siege 70 FPS pn max out settings, but as i said GTA i get 15 FPS on maxed out , i dont know what is the issue, if its my card or the game, i couldnt come to a solution in days and i dont know what to do or where to look, if someone can help i appreciate it

Thank you in advance
hey man! i just wanted to mention that i had the same prob with gta v. i builted my pc 2 weeks ago and everything was just fine. graphics maxed out and never got less than 75 fps when about 3 days ago the fps drop got real and there was nothing i could dod to fix that. suddenly today the performance was as agood as the first day in gta with the grass settings in high and evertything else ultra. still don't know wtf is going on and that happend . specs ryzen 5 2600 gtx 1660 super 16gb 3000hz
hey man! i just wanted to mention that i had the same prob with gta v. i builted my pc 2 weeks ago and everything was just fine. graphics maxed out and never got less than 75 fps when about 3 days ago the fps drop got real and there was nothing i could dod to fix that. suddenly today the performance was as agood as the first day in gta with the grass settings in high and evertything else ultra. still don't know wtf is going on and that happend . specs ryzen 5 2600 gtx 1660 super 16gb 3000hz

Well, if thats his complete spec list, I dont see a dedicated GPU listed and hes running off the integrated on the CPU. I honestly suggest looking into a 1650 or 1660.