Question Problems with my PC while playing Warzone ?


Apr 6, 2021
Hello there! I downloaded Warzone about a week ago and I seem to have a problem with my graphics. After a random time ( could be 1 minute or 1 hour in lobby or mid - game) some graphics appear very distorted. I tried playing it on other GPU drivers but the problem stays. Here are my specs:

CPU : AMD FX 6300
GPU : RX 580 8GB
RAM : 8 GB
Windows 10

I am currently running the game on the AMD driver 20.8.3 because i read that it was stable. I have also uninstalled all drivers with DDU and installed the new AMD drivers allthough the problem was still there. Is my GPU faulty? (I have linked the images that show my problem)
Edit: Forgot to mention that I am underclocking my GPU(-150) cause there was another problem in warzone , although even when i wasn't underclocking it the problem was there.
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this would be computation error
in radeon software click gear icon for setting, then select graphic, try resetting shader cache here
Hello there ! I tried it and it worked.. for only one game apparently. So the second game i played had another weird and new graphical
Edit: All the playermodels were very bright as you can see here

does this happen in just this game?
These specific glitches no allthough i had some problems on KCD for example armors turning purple or random black squares appearing for a moment and destroying the graphics allthough they were fixed after i looked away..
Edit: On PUBG Lite sometimes the whole game went green which was fixed by disabling the shaders.