Question Problems with net framework 3.5 and windows 10


Jun 25, 2015
Hello everyone, hope you can help me with this one:

I wanted to play some games but to use them (more like open some menus) a pop up open showing net framework 3.5 requierement, well, before i was able to bypass it by installing it via windows update or an offline installer, but now i cant, i just cant install net framework 3.5, used offline installers, cmd commands, using my windows 10 iso didn`t worked, not even fixes on youtube, i just cant install it, i have some problems with windows update too, error 0x80080005, so windows updates are not working anymore, thus, not getting net framework 3.5, as cmd shows the same error code, any ideas? i come here because in the whole internet cant find a fix for this 🙁

Using windows 10 1809.
Try this:

Has a lot of repairs. Try running it step by step and then just select the repairs for Windows updates.
Used it and did lots of repairs, but still have problems, there is another error code:
0x80010108, i think it is not possible to repair it, i can no longer use net framework 3.5 on my pc, ever, and im running out of ideas, tried everything, even the offline packages, it install 100% but the program still requieres framework 3.5 to work...
You are at a point where you will have to make a choice. You can continue to chase the error code, which I have done before, and hope the next fix is the last one. Or you can backup data and reset Windows 10. The most likely answer is that something got corrupt. I have done many a repair and I have fixed various versions of Windows with tools like the one I linked or other methods. The problem is though it tends to take a lot of time and Windows is almost always not 100% since one file somewhere did not get fixed.

If it were myself I would backup and reinstall. I typically keep data and games off the OS drive so it is easier for myself but it would probably be the best option to avoid the headache of chasing one error code after another.