[SOLVED] Problems with new motherboard installation; crashing on startup


Nov 27, 2018
I've installed a new motherboard. I bought it used with money from selling my previous motherboard, so I can't use this computer to fix anything. First problem: crashed on startup. DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. I think I've got this deduced to my GPU since when I start Windows with it unplugged and with my monitor plugged into my on-board graphics it doesn't crash at all. I'd have already reinstalled the drivers by now if not for one problem. When Windows actually runs, I find that my keyboard and mouse (among other things) don't install their drivers. I've thought about using a PS/2 keyboard to try going into safe mode, but I don't have a mouse so I'll have to press tab a bunch of times and I'm not sure I'm up to the task. Plus, this might not even work. Any tips?
(PS I do know now that the safest bet is to simply reinstall Windows when installing a new motherboard. If none of this works I'll force myself to do so.)
You can try the windows repair tool, when it still doesn't fix all your issues (but will likely make it a bit better) reinstall Windows it'll be faster and less frustrating than the task of rebuilding an os
re instal windows when doing a rebuild motherboards have countless drivers pci bridge ect ect ect sometimes the new motherboard will work with the old driver but wont be fully compliant with them