
Sep 27, 2004
ok whats up everyone.
well heres my problem i bought a new rig to put together cuz 1 is never enough. well i bought a xp-m 2400 and its so sweet can clock it to a 2.4 like its nothing. my mobo is one i had been using b4 its an asus a7n8x ram is 2 512 sticks of corsair xms. and vid card is a 5700 ultra. ok no my problem is formating a drive to install xp on i tried one drive a wd 120 gig and it was taking forever like a full day, so i was like ok [-peep-] it, i am now using a maxtor 80 gig again its taking forever, each time i setup a partition of bout 30 gigs for xp, ive replaced the ribbon cables, everything is good, tried different copies of xp, and i dont know what to do. y is it taking so long istarted this one install last night and its just now finishing up, when i get to the part where its starts installing it says 39 min until install is done well it stays on 39 min for like an hr then drops to like 33 min? plz ne suggestions


are you trying to install xp with the cpu overclocked. that could be the problem. put it back to standard settings, install xp and once everything is running fine then start overclocking the cpu.


Sep 27, 2004
i tried standard and underclocking it those didnt effect but ok heres the deal
silly me lol....
cpu level 1 and 2 cache was disabled in bios. hahahah somthing so stupid i dont know how that got to disabled maybe resting mobo with jumpers turns it off i dont know but man its fast as [-peep-] lol 2400 xp-m clocking it to a 2.4 running at like 45 c so thats good enough for me aww cant wait to get everything all updated and [-peep-]