So to quickly sum up what happened with my main PC:
Over the past few days my processor had been acting up, the fan was getting slow and fast and the processor was getting absurdly hot.
Next day I decided to play Overwatch which I normally always run at 65 FPS. But this time the game was running around 8 FPS. The fan to my processor stopped, so I closed the game and not long after my computer turned itself off.
When I tried to start it up again, everything turned on but it turned off again in the middle of start up.
Now i'm 99% sure it's my processor that needs to be replaced, but could it have been my power supply that !@#$ed with it?
Over the past few days my processor had been acting up, the fan was getting slow and fast and the processor was getting absurdly hot.
Next day I decided to play Overwatch which I normally always run at 65 FPS. But this time the game was running around 8 FPS. The fan to my processor stopped, so I closed the game and not long after my computer turned itself off.
When I tried to start it up again, everything turned on but it turned off again in the middle of start up.
Now i'm 99% sure it's my processor that needs to be replaced, but could it have been my power supply that !@#$ed with it?