Processors per Core? AMD FX6300 in Gigabyte GA970 Gaming motherboard


Apr 17, 2017
Processors per Core? AMD FX6300 in Gigabyte GA970 Gaming motherboard.

Yes I am late getting one, some might say what is the point with rizen on the horisen -

But I got a AMD FX-6300 and a Gigabyte GA-970 Gaming motherboard.

In the bios settings, it has the option to set the number of logical processors to be used by each core.

The options are...
Auto (default)
2 Processors per Core
4 Processors per Core

All options are lit up and available to select. In the motherboard manual it says this option will only be visible if the chip supports this functionality.

Does this mean I could run 4 processors per core, giving 12 logical processors?
would that actually work, or will it just not boot?

Please note, I am not asking if I can unlock more cores, I know many have asked that question... in the bios there is also an "Unlock" option which is locked by default, the motherboard manual says this option is for unlocking any hidden cores on the CPU, but changing it did not unlock more cores. - So maybe setting 4 processors per core will not work either.


hmm, looks more like it is asking if each core should use 2 or 4 threads?..
There are 3 cores and 6 logical processors by default,
so this lead me to think "Auto" would be the same as setting this option to 2 processors per core.
and that made me think that setting it to 4 processors per core should (it seems) make it show 12 logical processors...
If the hardware can do that (if it would boot)...

Causes confusion when it says that the option will only show, if the kit can do the job 😀

Has anyone else with the same board and chip checked this?