Programs missing or uninstalled


Dec 18, 2013
I had an ssd and hard drive in my computer. The ssd didn't have enough space so i got another hard drive. I cloned the first hard drive(the one with all my programs etc...) over to the new 2tb hard drive after that, I cloned the ssd (has the os on it) to the first hard drive that had all the programs on it before 500gb. I restarted my computer and set it to boot from the 500gb and then I remove the ssd. When it launched some of programs wouldn't launch. My main programs worked (Steam, Skype had to re-install chrome.) But the Geforce Experience( Graphic driver wouldn't launch.) this happened with other programs as well. I was just going to use my computer normally and re-install the programs as I needed them.

That is the best option, a clean install. Getting rid of all your problems at once. :)
Good luck with the clean install on the SSD!

Some program's have to be re-installed.
You just can't "clone" program's over to another HDD / SSD.
With cloning I thought you meant backing up your SSD to your HDD.
You have to re-install the program's, that is the best idea you can do, only files such as Notepad, Word, Excel are able to get "cloned" over to a other HDD / SSD without malfunctioning or missing components.

If you have any more burning questions, ask them!
Hope this has helped you!


Im just going to do a clean install of windows over the weekend or wait till i get my larger ssd and clean install then.

That is the best option, a clean install. Getting rid of all your problems at once. :)
Good luck with the clean install on the SSD!


Yeah I just did a clean install and it also fix my LoL problem (Black screen after hitting play). It didn't take as long as I thought it would. Maybe 2 1/2 hours.