Project Glass "Explorer Edition" Finally Visits FCC

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If they can get the price tag in the $250 range.

In all seriousness, it needs at least 1 full day of battery life..
[citation][nom]getochkn[/nom]No wifi N in today's day or age?[/citation]
I kinda thought that was a little odd as well at first, but then I got to thinking, the only time that 11n saves your battery is if the device itself is fast enough where it can download, process, and turn parts off fast enough to make it matter. However, due to the form factor, and the sheer use case of these glasses only requires the most basic in hardware specs. So if we are talking about only using the most basic arm single or duel core CPU then perhaps there would simply be no use for including the 11.n radio this time around.
[citation][nom]getochkn[/nom]No wifi N in today's day or age?[/citation]
For real, dude?
This is the first device of it's kind, first edition, and you complain about wifi N? What next, OMG, no LTE bands? And if they have some LTE bands, then OMG not ALL LTE bands?
I will be interested to see day-to-day user reviews first, to see what type of battery life we should expect and what kind of modifications they will make after receiving feedback.
I am sure that when all the kinks have been ironed out (and there will be kinks, no doubt, in this first release) somebody will put a chip that has all the wifi bands you want.
Apart form a few fad early adopters, the *look at me* crowd....this thing is going to fail hard.
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