Project Morpheus Will Henceforth Be Known As 'PlayStation VR'

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They really should've called this Playstation View (Vue) and marketed their tv service as boring old Playstation TV. VR deserves a cooler name.
1080p is reasonable, but I fear that the ps4 doesn't ha e enough power for a compelling VR experience.

The oculus has a slightly higher resolution, at 90hz, but the amount of power in the basic specs (an i5 with a 970 or 290) is so immensely more powerful than the ps4. Additionally, a 970 is established as a baseline for VR, not the highest end. I imagine that something like an i7 and a single 980 ti will be the best setup for now.

Anyway, it's good to see VR support, even if it's sub-par hardware. I just hope that PS VR doesn't spoil people on the idea of VR.
Usually the first with a halfway decent system would dominate the market, publishers already have backup plans in case theirs doesn't make it first.
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