@Jumpman_Lane I am not entirely sure where you are looking on Second Life but there is a whole host of content creators making new and interesting things with each passing day. A lot of these creators are heavily experienced with Mesh (3d Model Design), Texturing and Coding. To say that "The average resident in Second Life is a far cry from the great content creators of the early days of SL" seems silly to me. When SL first started we had very very low texture resolutions, clothing made from sculpts and prims, prim hair, prim buildings, scripts that had no way of influencing a linked object unless it was inside that linked object...etc. Comparing now to then....then looked awful. These days we have 3d mesh avatars with high quality texturing, efficiently scripted products that cause little to no lag, high quality texture designers, buildings - clothes - products designed in high quality software such as Maya, Cinema etc. Granted a lot of sims in SL look like they have been dragged kicking and screaming out of the 90s but if you look around you will see a plethora of talented and dedicated developers creating some unique and awesome products!.
As for the average SL user not wanting to create anything, i have to say that is simply untrue. I meet new people each and every day who are developing their own products or trying to set up some new combat zone or RP. The same people creating and developing their own combat systems or RP simulations.
Also, land pricing IS an issue I'm afraid to say. $295 a month for a full region + $1000 setup fee if you buy directly from the lindens is insane. The average person or even developer does not have that type of money just sitting around going spare. Even renting a full region from a land agent can be costly as you pay (cost of the sim per month from LL)+(percentage added by the agent). Full regions are a requirement to do anything worthwhile (rp sim, combat sim etc). So most settle for a smaller sized parcel at a much lower rate as thats all they can afford. If you check out the Chung estate or Weezles or any of the big land barons you will find that while fair few whole regions are rented, the rest of the rentals are smaller parcels and there is A LOT of them in use. For the SL user that just wants a small house or shop....the small parcels are fine. However, for a serious developer wanting to do something meaningful....the price of a full region is way too high so...yes, land price is an obstacle.
Also, i seldom meet anyone if i am honest who is just interested in cyber sex. SL has a thriving sex industry yes but you rarely see it. Most users i meet on my travels are on SL to either develop, RP/Game or socialise. In fact i can honestly say i have never EVER been asked to cyber by anyone. So, unless your the type who seeks out these places (hey I'm cool with it if thats what your into) then your comment is lacking in credibility.