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"bullseye" <> wrote:
>Eyes are wearing out and I am looking for alternatives. Considering
>projectors because as I will be looking at the reflection of an image
>(instead of a light source that a monitor is), it will reduce eye fatigue.
>(Current monitor brightness set at 36 on a 37.9 khz/60hz Sony monitor and
>eye fatigue is getting severe)
>Does this make sense? Any recommendations?
Not for a projector; but one as a possible solution for the
Years ago when I first started working at PCs practically 8 hrs a
day, five days a week {at the tender age of almost 40}, my
already myopic, astigmatic, and early stages of presbyopic eyes
started screaming at me by the end of the day. Through dumb
chance [dumb because it was a day I forgot to bring my readies to
work, and had to use my regular distance glasses] I found that
Photo-Gray treated lenses in my glasses eased the eyestrain
totally. Photo-Grays [dunno about other auto-darkening
treatments that have come along, since I've, dinosaur-like, stuck
with PGs ever since I found this worked] always retain some level
of tint, even inside. Apparently that level of tint is enough to
eliminate the effect of looking at a monitor all day.
As my presbyopia increased over the intervening 20 years, I have
had to add a third prescription to my inventory of glasses,
readies optimized for eye-to-computer-monitor distance [22" in my
case]. Both of my computer readie glasses [primary and backup]
are Photo-Grays.
Consider also, setting your default Windows background color to
cyan [light blue], and do the same for every applicable app that
overrides the default, but allows you to set your own. That,
too, can ease the strain caused by too many hours of looking at
black print on a white screen.
[Mourning the BODD, when yellow on cyan was possible. Now *that*
was an eyestrain-easing combination.]
[Email to Yahoo address may be burned before reading.
Lower and crunch the sig and you'll net me at comcast.]