projector white blur possibly due to a scratch?


Feb 24, 2015
I have a dell 1610hd and for some reason, there is a single white blurry spot on my projector image. However, it's only a white blurry spot when displaying completely black. When displaying whites, it shows up as a very faint gray blur of lines that's barely noticeable and when there is color showing, especially greens, it's not even noticeable at all. one thing I did notice, was that when the screen was completely blue and really out of focus, it showed up as a jagged line that was black. Any ideas as to what this is and how to fix it would be greatly appreciated.
Probably a fine scratch on the focus lenses of the projector.
A Scratch will refract the light given out in that area as non uniform color saturation, and display.

The other cause would be to do with the lcd matrix used in the projector. it may have dust or dirt that has got inside the sealed unit that houses it.

Or excess heat has been applied to the Lcd matrix that will cause discoloration of pixels of the matrix.

This can be due to the fact the filters of, or the projector have not been cleaned or maintained at regular points.
Or the fan used in the projector is not working 100% to cool part of the projector near the Lcd matrix to keep it cool enough to stop warping, or color un uniformity effecting the lcd matrix due to high heat.

Depending on how often you use the projector, and for how many hours a day.
Cleaning, and inspection of dust filters should be done about every two months.

If you fail to do this you can get the exact problems you are seeing.
Heat does the most damage, since most projectors use a tungsten halite filament/ the white base light, giving out very high temperatures.
So the filters and the fan must be in good condition of the projector.


Feb 24, 2015

Thanks so much for the solution. Any ideas on how to fix it??