hello to all!
I have a new build on it's way.. by the way I can't wait!
My question is proper air flow management and enough of it..
My Case is a fractal 4 which comes with 2 140mm fans, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811352020&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-Computer+Cases-_-N82E16811352020&gclid=CJ2Fp5XW8rYCFUUw4AodGxsABw one in the front and one in the rear. The center bay for the HD's can be removed which I'm going to do since I only have 2 SSD's going in on the bottom to help increase air flow. I'll have a cooler master 212 heat sink on my 3770K cpu.
I guess my question is, are the 2 140mm fans adequate for proper air flow and cooling, I wont be overclocking. I really don't want to add the 2 fans if possible since I want to keep this pc as quiet as possible.
I'm also using an asus z77 sabertooth MB which has 2 fans mounted on it as well and my GPU is the NVidia GTX 670
all comments appreciated..
I have a new build on it's way.. by the way I can't wait!
My question is proper air flow management and enough of it..
My Case is a fractal 4 which comes with 2 140mm fans, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811352020&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-Computer+Cases-_-N82E16811352020&gclid=CJ2Fp5XW8rYCFUUw4AodGxsABw one in the front and one in the rear. The center bay for the HD's can be removed which I'm going to do since I only have 2 SSD's going in on the bottom to help increase air flow. I'll have a cooler master 212 heat sink on my 3770K cpu.
I guess my question is, are the 2 140mm fans adequate for proper air flow and cooling, I wont be overclocking. I really don't want to add the 2 fans if possible since I want to keep this pc as quiet as possible.
I'm also using an asus z77 sabertooth MB which has 2 fans mounted on it as well and my GPU is the NVidia GTX 670
all comments appreciated..