Proper sequence for new build/install raid0+1 & WIN7 64bit


Feb 6, 2012
Hi all!
I just finished a new build, and ready to setup with raid0 and win7 64bit.
After reading several posts in several categories, I am unsure of the correct sequence of events. I think it is - boot with windows install disk, enter bios, setup raid0, then do windows install to raid array. I will be adding the 2nd set of ssd's for raid 1 in 3-4 days, and was wondering if there was any benefit to wait on the install, set up both raid 0 and raid 1 before the windows install. The ssd's are all 128 GB, the raid0 on sata III 6 gbs ports, the raid 1 will be on the 3gbs ports.
Any suggestions/recommendations to save time/effort would be very appreciated! :bounce:
Have a great day all, thanks for the time to read and respond! :hello:

Storm Trooper case
P8z68 vpro gen3 mobo
i7 2700k
Frio OCK CPU cooler
4 @ 128 gbs ssd's
BluRay Burner
DVD Burner
HIS Radeon 7950
2 x 8 Gb Crucial Ballistic
You can go to BIOS without installing the win 7. Configure first all the RAID you want(RAID 0 AND RAID 1) ON THE BIOS. Then install the SSD on the board, for the SSD drive it is better to connect it to SATA1 and change the settings yo AHCI, then set up and install the Win 7 on the SSD drive.