Windows made Win2k not compatible with "stuff" like DOS and Win 3.1 on purpose to make it a more stable OS. I have used everything from DOS 3.0 and up, and Win2k is by far the best for me. I run it in NTFS for security reasons. The games I ran in Win98se work fine in Win2k. If you want to run Win2k in FAT32 you can do that. You can run dual boot for a while and see if you like it better than Win98SE. Win2k is not compatible with a lot of hardware that will run in Win98 and ME. However, many of the drivers for NT 4.0 work for Win2k, since both are native 32 bit OS's. I prefer Win2k and I have all the scanners, drives, bells and whistles I had in Win98SE. It is more stable and if a program hangs, I can get out of it in Task manager and continue to run the OS. Win98se and ME are not real OS's. They are shell's on top of DOS.
As far as games go, Win2k utilizes memory better. If I run Delta Force Land Warrior in Win98SE, I have to reboot when I am done due to memory hogging. In Win2k I have never had that problem. This is true in Nascar 3 and MS Combat Flight Simulator too.
In Win98SE I have never noticed a performance jump with anything over 64 megs of ram. In Win2k the more memory you have the better the system runs. I have run Win2k with a 200mhz Cyrix and 32meg of ram. It is so slow it is rediculous. The same setup with Win98SE or NT 4.0 run very good. I have not seen Win2k run well at all with less then 64 meg of ram.
If you have a high end 3d card you may be out of luck with Win2k. Some of the manufacturers do not support Win2k and will never do so. These are cards that are less then a year old.
These are just some of what I have noticed. But again, I much prefer Win2k over Win98SE. I have no experience with ME, I am parroting what I have read and heard from network admins and other IT pros.